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Trade the most liquid and high volume cryptocurrencies 24/7 with no overnight swap fees.
Trade the most liquid and high volume cryptocurrencies 24/7 with no overnight swap fees.
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Keep your trading costs low, even when prices are fluctuating. Enjoy low and stable spreads, even during high- impact market news and economic events.
Stay ahead of trends with lightning-fast execution. Get your orders executed in milliseconds on all available platforms at MOTFX.
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Maintain your positions without incurring any overnight fees. We do not charge swap fees for any account types when you trade cryptocurrencies with us.
Location | Company Name | Commission Per lot/side | Contract Size | Session GMT+3 | Margin 1 - 100% | Long Swap points | Short Swap points | Exchange |
BTCUSD | BitCoin vs US Dollar | $10.00 | 1 | 24 /7 | 1.00% | -0.02% | -0.02% | Binance |
BCHUSD | BitCoin Cash vs US Dollar | $3.50 | $100.00 | 24 /7 | 1.00% | -0.02% | -0.02% | Binance |
ETHUSD | Ethereum vs US Dollar | $3.50 | $10.00 | 24 /7 | 1.00% | -0.02% | -0.02% | Binance |
LTCUSD | LiteCoin vs US Dollar | $3.50 | 10,000 | 24 /7 | 1.00% | -0.02% | -0.02% | Binance |
XRPUSD | Ripple vs US Dollar | $3.50 | 100,000 | 24 /7 | 1.00% | -0.02% | -0.02% | Binance |
BNBUSD | Binance Coin vs US Dollar | $3.50 | $100.00 | 24 /7 | 1.00% | -0.02% | -0.02% | Binance |
BATUSD | Basic Attention Token vs US Dollar | $3.50 | $280,000.00 | 24 /7 | 1.00% | -0.02% | -0.02% | Binance |
You can maintain your profitable cryptocurrency positions for as long as you wish without incurring any additional costs. We do not impose fees on holding crypto positions, enabling you to maximize your gains without worrying about extra expenses.
We provide prices directly sourced from cryptocurrency exchanges, ensuring transparency and accuracy in our trading platform. This allows you to trade cryptocurrencies with confidence, knowing that you have access to real-time market data straight from the exchanges.
Compared to other brokers that typically offer 1:20 leverage for crypto trading, we provide the highest leverage available in the market at 1:100. This enhanced leverage allows you greater flexibility and potential for maximizing your trading opportunities in the cryptocurrency market.
The Crypto market is a digital currency market that uses decentralized networks, blockchain technology to create new digital currencies and provide users with secure and transparent transactions. Trading crypto derivatives allows you to gain exposure to robust movements of cryptocurrency market.
We offer cryptocurrency prices sourced directly from major exchanges like Binance, allowing us to provide exceptionally low spreads for crypto trading. Our spreads are dynamic, adjusting based on market conditions: they narrow during high-volume trading hours and widen during low-volume periods. However, they will not exceed the limits set by our wide spread protection program.
Margin requirements for Crypto is fixed to 1%. It means that could only use 1:100 leverage when you trade crypto. It’s set at 1:100 to protect clients from over exposure. Cryptocurrency movements are different from other markets in a way that it has much more volatility and price swings. When trading crypto, it’s recommended to lower your position size compared to other markets that you trade.
You can trade cryptocurrencies 24/7 except during server and technology maintenance hours. Cryptocurrency market is unique that it's open 24 hours 7 days a week.
There are no swap charges applied to cryptocurrency positions across any of our account types. You can hold your cryptocurrency positions without concern for swap fees, ensuring a cost-effective trading experience.
Please be aware that the stop level values provided in the table above are subject to modification and may not be accessible for traders utilizing certain high-frequency trading strategies or Expert Advisors (EAs).
Leverage the potential of the world's leading cryptocurrencies for more trading opportunities.
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